Catch the Pozzy Vibe: Empowering Each Other Weekly!

Every Monday and 2nd Tuesday at 6:00pm


PozzyVibes is RipplePHX’s vibrant weekly meetup for People Living with HIV to connect with others, share your journey, and boost your daily outlook through dynamic, interactive activities.
Dive into Artistic Expression Workshops, Rejuvenating Self-Care Sessions, lively discussions on Culture and Support Networks, and Empowering Talks on Dating and Relationships while Living with HIV.
These meetups are hosted by RipplePHX’s Medical Case Manager, Miguel Figueroa and RipplePHX’s Early Intervention Specialist, Silvano Antunez.
PozzyVibe Meetups will be held in-person in RipplePHX’s new offices on the Southeast Corner of 15th Avenue and Indian School Road.
1423 W Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85013


dating & relationships

1ST Monday of Each Month

The Dating and Relationships meetup will target challenges, concerns, and issues related to dating and relationships with HIV.
The conversations will be casual, however, topics may include addressing HIV on dating apps, combating HIV stigma and misinformation from sexual partners, dating and hooking-up when living with HIV, navigating sex, pleasure and protection for you and your partners, and navigating disclosure.


2ND Monday of Each Month

The Social and Culture meetup aims to discuss how cultural norms, traditions, and social dynamics intersect with their experiences of living with HIV.
The conversations will be casual, however, topics may include cultural or social stigma related to HIV, the intersection of religion & sex, unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ people, people who may face multiple levels of discrimination, and building cross-cultural alliances and support networks


2nd Tuesday of Each Month

This meetup will be held completely in Spanish and will range in topics like Dating & Relationships, Social Networks and Culture, Self-Care and Artistic Expression. 
This is currently our only Spanish Meetup and the only meetup held on a Tuesday. Spanish meetups may be increased based on attendance and demand!


3rd Monday of Each Month

The Self-Care and Wellness meetup aims to emphasize the importance of mental health, self-care, stress management, and emotional well-being in the context of living with HIV.
The conversations will be casual, however, topics may include body image, medication management, regulating triggers and reframing narratives, boundaries, goal setting, “you-time”, and improving your Daily Outlook!


4th Monday of Each Month

The Artistic Expression meetup centers around using art, music, writing, and other creative outlets as a way to process emotions, share stories, and build a sense of community.
This meetup will be highly interactive and activities may include Sip & Paint Nights, Poetry Slams & Poetry Reads, Bailes / Dance Lessons, Music with Meaning, Creative Writing / Journaling, and Cooking / Healthy Eating.



Miguel is a proud native Phoenician and went to school at Trevor Brown High School (Go Bruins!) before getting his degree from ASU and is now pursuing his masters degree.  Miguel loves spending his down-time hanging out with family and working out to clear his head.  He loves watching Game of Thrones, Modern Family, and any kind of Action or Superhero movies.  Miguel finds his passion opening the doors to folks in the community who are living with HIV who need access to services but don’t know how to get started. 

Miguel speaks both English and Spanish.

Medical Case Manager
Call/Text: (623) 264-8652



Silvano was born in Mexico City and came to the US when he was 14.  He’s a huge animal lover and has 2 dogs and 1 cat, he likes to hike, talk to his plants and considers himself a little dorky with a big side of sassy. Silvano also enjoys camping and paints random stuff. His favorite restaurant is his Mom’s kitchen.  Silvano has always been passionate about helping others who deal with long term illnesses and addictions. He’s passionate about combating HIV Stigma, and loves to educate people on HIV awareness, treatment and prevention options.

Silvano speaks both English and Spanish.

Early Intervention Specialist
Call/Text:  (623) 264-8651



Since the PozzyVibe Meetups are new, we don’t technically have any frequently asked questions yet, but we put together some things we thought may come up! Please reach out to Miguel or Silvano if you have any other questions!

They’re FREE to attend! If you’re ever feeling generous, RipplePHX is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donations can be tax deductible and can help with the work we do in the community. But the meetups are totally FREE to attend!

PozzyVibe Meetups are open to people living with HIV, ages 18 and older.

We love our HIV allies! They help us build strong social and support networks that are important for connection and eliminating isolation often associate with HIV.

HOWEVER, the purpose of these meetups are for people with lived experience to feel safe and connected with others who are also living with HIV. 

If you’re not living with HIV, you may inadvertently shift the focus away from the lived experiences and needs of those the group is designed to support. It is essential to respect the safe space where individuals can share openly with others who directly relate to their challenges, ensuring the group remains a dedicated environment for mutual understanding and support among those living with HIV.

Something you CAN do as an ally is to share the meetups with your social networks and encourage people living with HIV to attend! Sharing is caring!

Cold bottled water will be available at each meetup.  Occasionally, depending on the topic, the RipplePHX team may provide some snacks or food related to the topic, or “just because”.  But for the most part, only bottled water will be provided.

Phoenix Coqui is a delicious, LGBTQ+ owned Puerto Rican restaurant next door to our offices. They’re a great option for grabbing food before the meetup!

Parking is available along the side and back of our building, and extending into the neighborhood as needed.  Check out this little diagram that shows approved locations to park.

YES! Valley Metro bus stops are available on all four corners of the 15th Ave and Indian School intersection!

We’d really love for you to bring your full-self to the groups without the use of drugs or alcohol.  Drugs and alcohol can not be used on our property and anyone visibly impaired or intoxicated may be asked to leave and return when sober.

The MONDAY Pozzy Vibe Meetups will be held primarily in English, however, Miguel and Silvano also speak Spanish and can accommodate as needed.

The 2nd TUESDAY edition of PozzyVibes will be held only in Spanish. More Spanish groups may be added based on attendance and demand!

It may take some time for you to find your voice and speak up, and that’s totally okay!  But for everyone to get the most from PozzyVibes, active and respectful participation is strongly encouraged.  You’re in a safe space with people facing the same things as you. Being able to learn from successes and challenges from each other is key. So, try not to be silent for too long!  We wanna hear from you!


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