take the survey that affects hiv in arizona for the next 5 years!

have a moment?  let’s talk, arizona!

About the Arizona HIV Needs Survey

The purpose of the HIV Needs Survey is to gain a better understanding of current access to testing, treatment and prevention services. By sharing needs, experiences and barriers, your feedback will help to highlight what has gone right with HIV services and how they can be improved.


We really want to hear from a wide range of Arizonans to make sure we're bringing the resources and services YOU need!


Survey results feed Arizona's Jurisdictional 5-Year Plan that guides HIV organizations throughout Arizona through 2027!


Complete the Arizona HIV Needs Survey and receive a $50 Walmart Gift Card by mail! Limit 1 per person.

Take The Survey Here!

Check Out The Survey Team!

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A chat with Shiloh De La Cruz

RipplePHX:  “What made you want to be a part of this campaign?”

Shiloh “I wanted to be a part of this campaign to be a part of the change.”

RipplePHX:  “What do you think is the biggest misconception about living with HIV?”

Shiloh:  “I feel the biggest misconception about living with HIV is being uncomfortable.  Medication-wise, it’s just a pill-a-day, really easy.”

RipplePHX:  “What do you wish other people knew about HIV that they seem to keep getting wrong?”

Shiloh:  “I wish people would stop saying you can get [HIV] from spit or a toilet seat!  Cause it’s not true.”

RipplePHX:  “What do you think needs to happen to reduce the stigma around HIV?”

Shiloh:  “Um, a lot more education around HIV – especially in school systems. Usually it’s brushed over, but not really, you know, in-depth.”

RipplePHX:  “If you could do one thing to change HIV in Arizona, what would you do?”

Shiloh:  “End it! END IT!!”